
Keshmoon is an online platform dedicated to the best local food producers (farmers, beekeepers,etc)from Iran. Through our channel, you can connect and communicate directly with these producers.

Keshmoon Values


We believe our customers deserve foods produced in their traditional way.

Certified product from a single origin

Keshmoon is dedicated to providing its customers products from single origin. All the products certified based on FDA lab results.

Farmer Empowerment

By paying for this product, you help boost farmer’s income by 30%, and it is a fair trade for farmers to achieve sustainable agriculture.


By farmer empowerment we aim to develop sustainable agriculture in the region.

Naneh (Nesa Arab)
"When Naneh was 22 years old. Her husband died. And she started farming to raise her children. Naneh used to farm alone until her children grew up. Because she attaches great importance to the production of quality saffron, she always used animal manure. But she did not have an animal and still had to make fertilizer from 80 km from the village where she lives."

Dr. Vakili
"Dr. Vakili starts farming besides his main job, doctor of Internal medicine, out of his interest in farming. His farm is called Ferdows (paradise).He cultivates Piarom date due to its high value added, high nutrition value and its compatibility with the climate of Hormozgan. He takes soil samples frequently to figure the amount of soil nutrition and its demand by lab results."

MoQa (Mohammad Hasan Qaempanah)
"MoQa is a Barberry farmer from Ghaen. He is a retired teacher that in addition to teaching, he has been farming for 20 years with his brother Ebrahim. MoQa believes that chemical toxin should not be used in agriculture so he only uses animal manure. He wishes to travel all over the world as a messenger of friendship and talk to people around the world"

Interested in making an order?

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